Banquet Menu


The following pages are from the menu offered by the Edgewater Bistro in Comox, BC. That's where we'll be going for the banquet. Please have a look, and e-mail me with what you might like. It won't be cast in stone, but the chef would like to have some idea of who will be having what.

As an alternative to having specific selections, the chef has said that we could have a special menu consisting of 1 meat dish, 1 chicken dish, and 1 fish dish (choose one of the three), and dessert (cake) with coffee, for around $17. to $18. (CDN).

He would like to have some feedback. Here's the menu:

Edgewater Bistro

From the Charbroiler

From the OceanChicken Pasta Schnitzel


rev. July 27 2003