![]() Thursday night AdamCon 15 reception We arrived! While we swapped travel stories, we got reacquanted. Happy birthday to Bob Slopsema and David Cobley |
From the plane medium res | hires |
Ron drives us from the aitport medium res | hires |
A short trip to Courtenay medium res | hires |
Fresh cut lumber medium res | hires |
Lumber mill. medium res | hires |
AdamCon is at Travel lodge medium res | hires |
Travel lodge medium res | hires |
On the mile of flowers medium res | hires |
Mountains in the distance medium res | hires |
Jeff Mitchell medium res | hires |
A wack of Slopsemas medium res | hires |
Jeff and Guy Bona medium res | hires |
Neil Wick and David Sands medium res | hires |
Ron Mitchell and David Cobley medium res | hires |
David Cobley medium res | hires |
His 80th birthday today medium res | hires |
Jeff Mitchell sets up equipment medium res | hires |
Judy shows off a laptop medium res | hires |
David Sands and Bob Slopsema medium res | hires |
Ron Mitchell talks to Doug Slopsema medium res | hires |
Two birthday boys! medium res | hires |
Ron welcomes us and explains about the bear. medium res | hires |
It has the Comox logo medium res | hires |
Embroidered medium res | hires |
Rich Drushel looks things over medium res | hires |
Jeff and Ron Mitchell medium res | hires |